CIRQUE Summer School

Summer School

Queer Imaginaries: Transitions, Politics, Intersections

This intensive Summer School aims to be an interdisciplinary breeding ground of academic, intellectual and political growth for young scholars and activists with an interest in queer studies and queer politics.

The sessions will be based on formal learning, but will also give the participants the occasion for informal exchanges with teachers and other students. The participation to all the activities, together with the draft of the final thesis, will grant 6 ECTS credits.

This is the fourth edition of the Summer School organized by the SQFF and the first made in collaboration with the CIRQUE, which implies the participation of the University of Pisa, of L’Aquila and of Piemonte Orientale, as well as the traditional involvement of the University of Palermo.

Italian and foreign students will have the chance to become familiar with important ideas and personalities of this field of studies through and intensive program.

The educational style of the Summer School is based on a collaborative, mutual and dialogic education which alternates:

  • 6 interactive seminars that treat – beyond the level of content – the epistemological and methodological level of some innovative scientific themes, providing the most complete picture possible of the “status quaestionis” in contemporary research (teaching hours: 24);
  • 6 research laboratories; submitting the application, the participants (young students or activists) who are conducting research or projects on themes of the Summer School, will be able to express their interest in proposing their work to teachers and other participants, getting their feedback. This educational innovation, which finds its reason for being in the queer pedagogy that characterizes the method of the Summer School system, will be a particularly valuable occasion for each student, both for the opportunity to confront with some of the most important personalities in this field (the teachers of the school and the Scientific Board), and for the relative isolation in which are working the young students who choose to dedicate themselves to queer theory and to gender studies, even in foreign departments (teaching hours: 12);
  • 1 round table, between LGBT and queer militants, that will face the theoretical, methodological and political issues of activism, the networking and the prospects for social evolution in today’s context (teaching hours: 4);
  • drafting of a final thesis of the maximum length of 20 pages on a topic agreed with one of the involved teachers (elaborate delivery: within 30 days after the end of the seminars; elaborate evaluation: within 15 days from delivery);
  • the vision of at least five queer-themed feature or documentary films.

Director: Giuseppe Burgio

Scientific Board:

Silvia Antosa, Clotilde Bertoni, Ambra Carta, Fabio Cleto, Gabriella D’Agostino, Mari D’Agostino, Giulia De Spuches, Carmen Dell’Aversano, Matteo Di Gesù, Massimo Fusillo, Alessandro Grilli, Andrea Inzerillo, Giovanni Lo Monaco, Elena Mignosi, Marco Pustianaz, Francesca Romana Recchia Luciani, Cirus Rinaldi.

Articulation of Summer School

Monday, May 22, 2017

8.30 Welcome to participants

9.00 Presentation of the School

9.30-13.30 Lorenzo Bernini (Università di Verona) From Freudo-Marxism to the antisocial turn: an introduction to queer theories

16.00-18.00 Research Laboratory I

18.30-20.30 Research Laboratory II

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

09.00-13.00 Alessandro Grilli (Università di Pisa) Ordinariness, Normality, Normativity: Performing Norm and Transgression in Literature and Beyond

16.00-18.00 Research Laboratory III

18.30-20.30 Research Laboratory IV

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

09.00-13.00 Laura Corradi (Università della Calabria) Bisexual Body Politics

16.00-18.00 Research Laboratory V

18.30-20.30 Research Laboratory  VI

Thursday, May 25, 2017

09.00-13.00 Mirko Lino (Università de L’Aquila) Watching Pornographies: Sex, Technologies and Desires from Hard-Core to Virtual Porn

16.00-20.00 Queering activism. A Round Table with:

Luigi Carollo (Associazione Omosessuale Articolo 3), Julia Heim (Queer Italia Network), Charlotte Ross (Queer Italia Network), SA Smythe (Queer Italia Network), Elisa Virgili (Archivio Queer Italia)

21.00 Opening night of Sicilia Queer FilmFest and screening of the inaugural film

Friday, May 26, 2017

09.00-13.00 Karl Schoonover (Università di Warwick, UK) Rosalind Galt (University of Sussex) The worlds of queer cinema: from aesthetic to activism

16.00-24.00 Selection of at least two movies from of the Sicilia Queer filmfest

Saturday, May 27, 2017

09.00-13.00 Marc Siegel (Goethe Universität, Frankfurt am Main) Gossip in an Epidemic

16.00-24.00 Selection of at least two movies from of the Sicilia Queer filmfest program

Where: Palermo, Institut français and Cinema De Seta, at Cantieri Culturali alla Zisa

When: from 22 to 27 May 2017

Languages: English

Who can apply: Undergraduate, Postgraduate and PHD students, Researchers and Activists

Costs for the participants: €120 for the application, including the pass (worth 50€ ) for al the films of the Sicilia Queer filmfest, including the ones on the days following the end of the Summer School.

Maximum number of participants: 30.

How to apply:

1 Download and fill in the registration form:

2 Send your registration form to:

3 You will receive the IBAN bank code and you can pay the registration fee, by transfer.

4 Send your transfer receipt to:

5 Finally, after receiving the acceptance for your participation to the summer school and after the fees payment, you have to connect to the Alice portal and register (don’t worry: you will receive a very simple guide 🙂


Sicilian Queer filmfest offers 6 scholarships that will allow the free participation in all the activities provided for 22 to 27 May 2017.

These grants are intended as a training aimed at broadening and strengthening a group of young people interested in queer issues in the Palermo area.

Recipients of these grants will be students of the University of Palermo interested in queer studies and LGBTQ militants living in Sicily.

Criteria for selection of the instances will be: experiences, interests and motivations described in the CV, previous participation in the activities of “Prospettiva Queer”, enrollment in previous editions of the Summer School.

Instances (accompanied by all relevant information) should be addressed to, with the subject: “Scholarships 2017”.

Presenting a papers at the “Research Laboratories”:

Send an abstract (maximum 800 words) of the proposed topic at indicating in the subject “Paper”.

The authors of selected papers will be contacted directly.

Classroom Tutors: Grazia Asaro, Gianfranco Scavuzzo

email address:

Accommodation and meals: accommodations and restaurants, associated to the Summer School, will provide low price services to the participants.
